

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

WCday 15

Writing Challenge Day 15
Your Zodiac/Horoscope And If You Think It Fits Your Personality
This stuff is mumbo-jumbo, and I know lots of people just like to do it for fun, but a lot of it contains all these morally wrong things that I don't know how to answer. I think most of it is based off of personality types. Personally though, since this is just for fun, I am going to go through with writing about it.

My zodiac sign is Aquarius. Here's some quotes I found since I really don't know much on this topic.
"They're chaotic, rebellious, and unpredictable but will usually act with rationality. Anything they do is rational to them. They are lively although sometimes they may look tired. They are honest, loyal, and friendly by nature. They are very independent in their thinking and will only accept advice and opinions on their own terms. Their personality is one of the hardest to truly define."

"Aquarius speak at least five languages: English, profanity, sarcasm, truth, and love."

"Aquarians can read people very well, they know the second they meet you if they want you in their life or not."

"They are usually the ones to stumble on their words because their minds often move quicker than their mouths."

"As an Aquarius you believe in fairness and freedom. You are sentimental about the past and vision an ideal future, so sometimes the present can be the most complex place for you."
This is the first time I've researched any of this stuff, but I can wholeheartedly agree with all of these quotes. So, what's your sign and what do YOU think it says about your personality?


  1. Do you think I'm an Aquarius too? Because that sure sounds like me. xD

    1. Unless you were born between January 20th-February 18th I don't think so X) You're a Scorpio actually, I looked up some quotes and it's actually kind of scary how well they fit you....

      As a Scorpio, you have a do-it-yourself attitude, which can sometimes drive others a bit crazy. It can be somewhat difficult for you to ask for help from others too. While friendly and charismatic, you tend to be a longer. You pride in being self-sufficient.

      Scorpios often stress themselves out by assuming the worst and overthinking everything.

      Scorpios are very observant. They will notice something but won't mention it. They'll keep it in the back of their mind.

      A Scorpio has perfected the art of being dark and mysterious while being cute and goofy.

      A Scorpio will say the things that everyone else is too scared to say.

      Scorpio's love the smell of an incoming rain or waves crashing upon the shore.

      Scorpios may seem at ease in public but all they really want is to just be alone with you.

    2. Rain is seriously the best thing ever! Thanks for looking this up.

  2. I actually don't know my sign. I know my Chinese animal, though. :D

    1. It's very easy to look it up :) There's usually charts anywhere on the internet and they'll have a time span between usually two months, and whichever contains your birthday is your sign. Example, my birthday is February 7th, so I'm in the time span of Aquarius which lasts from January 20th-February 18th.

    2. Oh, I used to know my Chinese animal! I think it was the bull. I was mad because my sister got the horse, haha

  3. Mine's Cancer, but I don't know anything about it :P

  4. I looked up some for you too, Mary :). It's starting to freak me out how much these are fitting people...

    A Cancer is the whole package: beauty and brains. Remember a Cancer's heart is as deep as the ocean.

    Cancers offer you optimism and silliness to make you smile and laugh, appreciation and protection, humor and wit, encouragement and an ear to listen to really pour your heart out to, loyalty and family-like friendship, and the understanding and sympathetic support to help solve your problems.

    As a Cancer you are a slice of sunlight, brightening up every room you walk into.

    When it comes down to appearing attractive to a Cancer, all you need is: a good heart and a barrel of jokes.

    Cancers seem to have two personalities. One is very outgoing, funny, and quirky. The other is shy, moody, and antisocial.
