

Monday, August 18, 2014

Beautiful Blog Award

Here's another award filled with fun questions from Julia over at Running Through The Stars. Speaking of stars, I finished The Fault In Our Stars two nights ago. Here's some gifs that are related to those feelings post-TFIOS...

As soon as I turned the page on chapter that said "Augustus Waters---" OK you fill in the blank.
 And then this was me. I held it together pretty well (at first).
 Then I read "The only person I wanted to talk to about August Water's death was Augustus Waters." and I realized they'd never go back to their little world on the phone.
And then I got to the funeral scene. "I love you present tense."

 This is now me being released to the "real world."

Let's just say there's no hope for the recovery of any emotional damage that has been done. John Green, your book was the grenade.

Anyways, I'm not here to tell you about my glass-encrusted-still-beating heart. I'm here to answer some freakin' questions :)

1. Do you think it is morally correct to love Loki, even though he's the bad guy?
Everyone deserves love. Especially Loki because of his situation with everything. He was put down the wrong path because of lack of love from his father. Sure his mother was great. But boys need fathers more than mothers, and daughters need mothers more than fathers. That sounds strange but if you think about it they need their own "role models".

2. What are three of your talents?
Talent talent talent....uhhhh.....I was told I have a natural touch with horses, I'm complimented a lot I sing well, and I might be a good-ish writer? I don't know. I'm feeling extremely amateur after reading TIFOS. I don't know if I can ever give people feels like that.

3. What's your favorite girl's name?
Megan. I always wanted to be a Megan.

4. Boy's name?

5. What books have made you cry?

6. What's your favorite Bible verse?
I don't know if I have a favorite verse but my favorite book is Sirach.

7. Favorite prayer?
"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference." And no that's not because it's from TFIOS, I knew it long before then.

I nominate Katy from her lovely blog Dandelion Prayers :). Here are my questions for you!

1. DC or Marvel?
2. What's your favorite(s) book?
3. What's a major pet peeve of yours?
4. A quote you try to live by:
5. Your favorite colour?
6. Somewhere you'd like to visit:
7. A key way to win your heart is:


  1. Thanks so much! I'm going to be answering them on www.amdgctrafting.wordpress.com, because Dandelion Prayers is for my novel once I get that finished. :)
    I'm sorry to hear about your pain. *Hugs*

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I wasn't sure which one to tag you on, but thanks, I'll be sure to remember that for future nominations :)! Aw, thank you :) You're a sweetie. But I fear it's only going to get worse today, I'm going to the movie tonight...3': Let's see how long I can get away with sobbing without getting strange looks and nudged by my friends going "Okay, STOP it now!".

    1. I haven't read the book or seen the movie because I've heard that they're kind of anti-Catholic and the like, but I know how it ends due to so many people spoiling it for me, so now I know how everyone dies.

  4. I knew the ending too, but it didn't lessen the blow. Still really heart wrenching.

    I didn't find anything anti-Catholic, but maybe they're referring to that no one makes reference to the spiritual afterlife, like they say there's "Something" out there but not a Heaven, Hell, or Purgatory. Just something :/. And there are a few language issues. Also there's one inappropriate scene in the book but it's very brief and non descriptive, though while I don't know how much they elaborate in the movie, I do know the book scene of it is far less racy than some movies I've seen.

  5. Okay; I don' think that I'm allowed to, but maybe someday!
    I tagged you for a different tag! http://amdgcrafting.wordpress.com/2014/08/19/tags-and-a-giveaway/
