

Friday, August 22, 2014

S'more Questions and Answers :)

I have been nominated for the Liebster award (again:) this time by Katy from  http://amdgcrafting.wordpress.com:)!

The 11 Facts

1. I got nominated today to do the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, so I have to do that tomorrow. I'm actually pretty excited!

2. Vacation cannot come soon enough. The beach and the city are going to be AH-MAZING. And inspiring. I'm thinking I need to put a strap on my laptop so I can carry it around everywhere :)

3. I am partially excited to go back to school. Not the work load though. It's gonna be tough.

4. I really want to go swing dancing. Like right now. With someone who's good at it!

5. I think a typewriter would be super cool (and fun) to have.

6. My favorite color combo is turquoise and brown. I've kind of planned my entire life around it. I went to a wedding once where those were the colors and my heart was just so happy :3

7.  I have a special devotion to St. Anthony of Padua. He's just my saint. There's a funny little story of how that came, too. Six or seven years ago I was hopelessly looking for a sweater on Thanksgiving. I had looked everywhere and gone through every piece of clothing. That was the first time I asked him for help. I said "If you find me the sweater, I promise I'll pray to you everyday for the rest of my life". Pretty silly sounding just for a sweater, right? Well St. Anthony didn't find it so silly. A minute later I went to the back of my closet and what do you know, the sweater was hanging where I knew I had already looked. And almost everyday since then, he's never let me down.

8. I am super nervous of anyone reading my writing (Julia is the exception:). I had a bad experience once when I shared something too early and it kind of bruised me permanently.

9. I love love love making jewelry! I'm taking another class this year and I cannot wait for it!!!! I really want to try metal stamping. You can make the coolest rings and other stuff with quotes, numbers, and Bible verses!

10. I am a big time procrastinator. That seriously needs to change.

11. I am recently into animal prints.
Here's the questions I am to answer
1.) Have you ever watched Blimey Cow?
No, but I think I have to now. I know a lot of people who like it. A lot.
2.) What made you want to start a blog?
I wanted a place I could come and write and express and have fun basically :). And I obsess over a lot of stuff, so it's fun to make posts about those things.
3.) Use three words to describe yourself.
 A Romantic, Idealist, and Cautious.

4.) Use a gif to describe yourself

I haven't even seen/read Harry Potter but yeah. That's totally me.
5.) What book character are you most like?
 I don't really know...I haven't read anything where I've thought I'm like anyone. But I bleed into my own characters in my books, because I live vicariously through them. So, yeah.
6.) How do you feel about octopuses?
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh........I'm kind of freaked by anything in the ocean. Especially ones that have more than two fins (er, tentacles).
7.) What is the weirdest food you’ve ever tasted?
Buttermilk. Sounds appealing, right? WRONG. It's like drinking sour cream. I spat it out.
8.) Frozen or Tangled?
Tangled. Sorry, I'm so sorry. I know I'm gonna be in trouble for that.
9.) What do you think of Lady Gaga?
 I think she's a sad lost soul from the Catholic faith. I truly feel bad for anyone who doesn't know God. It's sad when it's not their fault because of their upbringing, but it's really heartbreaking to me when people stray away from The Faith. I mean, I know Him so I can't really imagine leaving Him. It'd be unfathomable. I could never carry on with my life knowing He's still there.

10.) Who is your role model?
 I have two main ones. They're these two mid 20ie's young cowgirl women who are happily married to wonderful husbands and one of them just had a baby. They also happen to be best friends. I want to be like them.
11.) What is the first item on your bucket list?
I need to meet Keith Urban. And get married (not to Keith:). And have a baby. They're all really super important!

Monday, August 18, 2014

Beautiful Blog Award

Here's another award filled with fun questions from Julia over at Running Through The Stars. Speaking of stars, I finished The Fault In Our Stars two nights ago. Here's some gifs that are related to those feelings post-TFIOS...

As soon as I turned the page on chapter that said "Augustus Waters---" OK you fill in the blank.
 And then this was me. I held it together pretty well (at first).
 Then I read "The only person I wanted to talk to about August Water's death was Augustus Waters." and I realized they'd never go back to their little world on the phone.
And then I got to the funeral scene. "I love you present tense."

 This is now me being released to the "real world."

Let's just say there's no hope for the recovery of any emotional damage that has been done. John Green, your book was the grenade.

Anyways, I'm not here to tell you about my glass-encrusted-still-beating heart. I'm here to answer some freakin' questions :)

1. Do you think it is morally correct to love Loki, even though he's the bad guy?
Everyone deserves love. Especially Loki because of his situation with everything. He was put down the wrong path because of lack of love from his father. Sure his mother was great. But boys need fathers more than mothers, and daughters need mothers more than fathers. That sounds strange but if you think about it they need their own "role models".

2. What are three of your talents?
Talent talent talent....uhhhh.....I was told I have a natural touch with horses, I'm complimented a lot I sing well, and I might be a good-ish writer? I don't know. I'm feeling extremely amateur after reading TIFOS. I don't know if I can ever give people feels like that.

3. What's your favorite girl's name?
Megan. I always wanted to be a Megan.

4. Boy's name?

5. What books have made you cry?

6. What's your favorite Bible verse?
I don't know if I have a favorite verse but my favorite book is Sirach.

7. Favorite prayer?
"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference." And no that's not because it's from TFIOS, I knew it long before then.

I nominate Katy from her lovely blog Dandelion Prayers :). Here are my questions for you!

1. DC or Marvel?
2. What's your favorite(s) book?
3. What's a major pet peeve of yours?
4. A quote you try to live by:
5. Your favorite colour?
6. Somewhere you'd like to visit:
7. A key way to win your heart is:

Friday, August 15, 2014

Quickie Blog Post

Ok so here's the dealio: This is going to be a quickie post because this is valuable time I could be spending otherwise reading my newest obsession. Today I got a FREE (YES, F-R-E-E) brand spankin' new copy of *drumroll* The Fault In Our Stars.

I am super excited because the movie is coming to a local theater this Monday for $4 and I'm psyched. But I want to finish the book first before I see it.

By the way, "I love it when you talk medical to me." is the new line of the century. You seriously don't know how attractive I find that. I NEED a man who says that kind of thing.

Alright this is long enough I have to go back to chapter four.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

WCday 15

Writing Challenge Day 15
Your Zodiac/Horoscope And If You Think It Fits Your Personality
This stuff is mumbo-jumbo, and I know lots of people just like to do it for fun, but a lot of it contains all these morally wrong things that I don't know how to answer. I think most of it is based off of personality types. Personally though, since this is just for fun, I am going to go through with writing about it.

My zodiac sign is Aquarius. Here's some quotes I found since I really don't know much on this topic.
"They're chaotic, rebellious, and unpredictable but will usually act with rationality. Anything they do is rational to them. They are lively although sometimes they may look tired. They are honest, loyal, and friendly by nature. They are very independent in their thinking and will only accept advice and opinions on their own terms. Their personality is one of the hardest to truly define."

"Aquarius speak at least five languages: English, profanity, sarcasm, truth, and love."

"Aquarians can read people very well, they know the second they meet you if they want you in their life or not."

"They are usually the ones to stumble on their words because their minds often move quicker than their mouths."

"As an Aquarius you believe in fairness and freedom. You are sentimental about the past and vision an ideal future, so sometimes the present can be the most complex place for you."
This is the first time I've researched any of this stuff, but I can wholeheartedly agree with all of these quotes. So, what's your sign and what do YOU think it says about your personality?

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Awesome Sauce Sunday

So I might start a new thing called Awesome Sauce Sunday. Every Sunday, simply post five awesome things (big or little) from the week. It will make you count your blessings!

Five awesome things:

1. Discovering new friends in people you've known but don't know. I went to a fantastic barbeque last night at the house of a family I've known for nine years but never really talked too. Now I can't wait to get together again! Some very cool people :)

2. The power of prayer. Never underestimate it, dear friends. EVER. The Man Upstairs IS listening to what we need. He delivers!!!!!

3. When people do random nice things because they care. I just saw on Facebook a friend of mine who shaved his head for someone who has cancer. You can count your own good deeds too! Yesterday I got up at 7:00 a.m. on a Saturday to deliver a Frappuccino and flowers to a friend who got dumped the night before. I love the look on someone's face when they realize what you've done :)

4. Doritos

5. Suburn relief gel. Oh the cooling glory on my shoulders that felt hot as Hades! Apply to burn and sit in front of a fan. Thank me later.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Liebster Award

I have been nominated by Julia ( http://runningthroughthestars.blogspot.com/) for the Liebster Award! :D I love these things. The only problem is I have no one else to nominate, soooo, if YOU who are reading this have a blog, give me a follow and I'll nominate you next time!
Here's my 11
1. I am obsessed with whole milk. It is delicious and amazing. I used to only ever have 2% and hated it, I never drank it, and then one day I tried whole for a recipe. My life will never be the same.

2. I actually really love hats but am not sure where to wear them or what to wear them with :/ . I'm going to work on that this year.

3. I am addicted to Polyvore! It's fantastic. It's like paper dolls for grown ups. And it's completely essential for writing. Characters need clothes too!

4. I have a countdown calendar going for how many days until I see Celtic Thunder. It's a giant green, white, and orange paper chain that I tear off a piece everyday. It's gotten considerably shorter since I started it near 200 pieces. I think I'm somewhere around 110 now. Woot woot!

5. I am beyond proud of making Thunderheads out of my dear friends Caroline (if she wishes me to keep her name private, I will use her middle name instead:) and Julia. I now have people to fangirl with other than my sister. She is proud too. I did done good.

6. I used to bite my nails but then I stopped about five years ago, and just recently have been doing it again. I think I do it when I'm stressed (which has been more than usual lately) and don't even realize I did it until it's done.

7. I have four earrings but got my ears pierced six times (yeah, ouch). The first ones went fine, but then the seconds were too close to the first, so I took them out and they healed. Then I got them redone. I just told an eight year old who's looking to get hers done, "It doesn't hurt that much!"....sorry in advance. Really sorry. It DOES hurt. Trust me, I've had it done six times.

8. I think it's really important to have role models, and not just meaning celebrities who you want to sing or look like. Someone(s) you can talk to, do things with, and really just admire/aspire to be like (but in your own way, of course:).

9. I don't like popcorn that much but for some reason I consume it anyways when it's in front of me :/

10. Cartons of iced coffee you can drink at home (they look like a juice carton) have to be the best invention since frozen yogurt. And I am a frozen yogurt addict. Cheesecake bites are the best topping.

11. Which brings me to my final fact, this is my 11th blog post :O

And now here's the 11 questions from Julia:

1. What do you think about selfies?
I like doing them, I think they're fun and I'll use one once in a while for a profile picture but I never post more than one at a time and try not to change it too often. That feels weird. When it's all other people post it says something about them. No thanks.

2. What are some of your hobbies?

I listen to music a LOT, is that a hobby? I also like playing guitar. And if I had one, piano (I have a keyboard though). Sewing is lots of fun too. When I make my quilt I'll do a post about it :).

3. Do you like to wear skirts?

Yes and no. I like the way they look (most of the time), the way they feel and how fun they are. But I don't like having to always worry about it flying up or sitting down wrong <:{

4. Do you think it was moral of the trolls to "Leave the fun" in Anna's memory, and thus tormenting her when her parents locked Elsa away?

I don't think they should've meddled with her mind at all. Why was it so bad for her to know about her sister's powers? Maybe she could've helped Elsa, and she would have learned when she was young to control her powers. There were so many ways they could've avoided disaster.

5. What's your least favorite part about Frozen?

Probably the fact that the parents were not very understanding or helpful. They were kind of abusive, actually, locking Elsa away. But that's a debate I care not to get into!

6. What else could libraries be for instead of books?

Maybe for......instruments? That'd be fun! Check out a violin one week, a new guitar the next!

7. What six words describe yourself?

I didn't mean to go for all D words, but it just started and I couldn't help myself :)

8. What's your favorite thing about your personality?

Um.....maybe that I won't accept defeat unless it absolutely happens. There's sometimes I want to cry over things but the nagging little voice in the back of my head says "Hey, this isn't how this will end. You still have time. You can change this. Nothing is finished yet."

9. Answer this: What's another word for Thesaurus?

A treasury of words

10. Do you repost things on social media that tell you to repost them (For example, "Facebook will donate a dollar for every like this picture of suffering children gets")?

Absolutely not. I don't believe in them, and most of the time they're hoaxes.

11. What's your favorite writing website (For example, visuwords.com or a blog with great tips)?

Web MD is fantastic for medical research, and Jill Williamson's website is great for writing worksheets!

Monday, August 4, 2014

And A Tee Shirt

One year ago today, around this very time in fact, I was standing amongst many, screaming at the top of my lungs. But the man I screamed at never even looked at me. He waved but didn't see me. Or at least, I can't say for sure he never saw me. Weird way to start a post, right? :)

I screamed because I was at a concert. And it was the most important day of my life (up to a certain point). I was going to see my hero, my "confidant", my 'best friend', the man I practically worship.

Keith Urban.

I'd been waiting since I got the tickets in April, and the fact that the day was finally here was mind boggling. Keith is that one person who has "seen me through" everything. He's the one I fall back on. I will meet him, I know it. I can feel it in my heart. I remember the long drive to get there, having dinner out but not feeling like eating because I was so scared. Scared the way Rapunzel was.

"It's just that I've waited for so long...what if it's not everything I ever imagined it would be?"
"It will."
"But what do I do after?"
"Well, I guess that's the best part. You get to find a new dream."

But it was everything I imagined. When he simply came out from behind the curtain to walk on stage, I shot up out of my seat and screamed. He grabbed a banjo and started playing, and I cried. This was real. Not just a dream. His voice is even more amazing in person. He sang almost all my favorites and then some.  He even opened with the song I predicted he would, "Long Hot Summer". He interacts with the audience, he's funny, charming, and full to the brim of energy. He even came into the crowd (nowhere near me, maybe 50 feet at closest, but I vowed if he did come down my isle I WOULD trample down anyone who got in my way! haha ;). And yes, his hair really is that awesome, even from a distance.

And find a new dream I did, but I still have the dream of meeting him. Now, the night seems all like a really crazy, amazing dream. But I have pictures, and pictures are proof. And a tee shirt.

*note: this is not my photo, it's one from the show I went to. I got it from Keith's Facebook page!