

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Busy Week, Busy Life

Hey-o! I haven't made any new posts in a while for lots o' reasons.

A. I've been working :D I got a small weekend job at a apple orchard starting next week! it's going to be lovely to finally have some dough after being dirt poor since, well, forever.

B. My laptop went berserk on me a few days ago (and I was FREAKING OUT. I have entire novels on that thing and I was ready to cry when I couldn't get it to start back up.). Thank goodness for dad being a computer wiz! It's working on something called "Safe Mode" for right now, but as soon as it got running just enough temporarily, I put all the really important stuff on a flash drive. I could barely sleep the first night it broke though, thinking about if I lost all that work... let's just say it'd be tragic.

C. School starts back in four days and once again we come right back to FREAKING OUT. Between a job and school....

D. I just got back from the destination that my most recent novel is set in and WOW was it awesome. I got to see most of the landmarks I wanted to and plus some. The view from the beach at six thirty in the morning is breath taking. As cheesy as it sounds, I really do enjoy long, romantic walks (alone) on the beach.

But to quote my character,
"People forget to appreciate and take advantage of the good little free things in life. The beach is EMPTY! No one else got up to watch one of the most beautiful (and free might I add), joyous experiences nature has to offer, If nothing else, even if you never get up early again, everyone at least once in their lives should be present for a sunrise on the beach."  


  1. Hope you have a great first day of school! You'll be in my prayers all day.

    1. Thank you, Katy! You're such a sweetheart :). I go to a homeschool co-op, and being that this wasn't my first year in it (like last year), I had a pretty good first day back. And my sister even stopped to get frozen yogurt on the way home :D

    2. Wow, I'm in a homeschool co-op too! It was my first year though. Do you do it online?

  2. No all my classes are in person, I go every Tuesday and a great books class on Fridays (we're currently reading "The Inferno", the first book of "The Divine Comedy". Which I went to for the first time today and my teacher has an awesome underground house with a slide built in next to the stairs :) it's Pinterest worthy.

  3. How is your first year going? Do you like it?

    1. It's pretty good; six girls, two boys, lots of drama... lol. But I'm liking it, especially since I can take quizzes whenever. HEAVEN!
