You read that title correctly. Two nights ago I met Emmet Cahill and it was everything I hoped it'd be and a little more (*insert squeal here*).
After figuring out some logistics, waiting two months anxiously, packing frantically the day before, traveling three and a half hours in a snowstorm at night, having financial issues in a different state (since the only real grocery store was 12 miles out of state from the hotel), GPS giving problems on the way there so we had to turn around a few times, having to park far away and walk through the snow to get to the theater, and many other issues I don't wish to bother you with, that evening was all worth it. And I'd live it all again, even the frustrating parts, just to get a few more minutes with him.
The beautiful but modestly set stage was adorned with a few simple pieces; a piano, a guitar, and a microphone on its stand. Some soft but colorful lights from the back shone onstage, and far above our heads hung large twinkle lights and lanterns in the shapes of stars. That was it. Nothing fancy, nothing crazy. It was perfection.
I got to sit in the second row (general admission rocks!), and I remember feeling so excited and nervous and happy and anxious waiting for 8:00 p.m. You sit there wondering when he'll ever come out, what he looks like in person, when the show will start, what will the first song be, when the heck the show will begin, if he'll even see me, when is he
ever coming onstage, if my hair is holding those darn curls, and DARN IT WHEN THE HECK IS HE COMING ONSTAGE (just note that 30 minutes of waiting for one of your favorite people to show themselves feels like an eternity. I'm not a patient person, Jesus is trying to teach me better.) My heart skipped a beat every time I saw the curtain rustle. Half of the fun of going to a show is the seconds before the performer appears.
After a few announcements from the people who work at the theater, Seamus the pianist came out and started playing a little intro. ~
Anticipation builds to maximum capacity~. And then, suddenly the curtain to stage right moves, and there he was.
The DVDs don't do him justice on any part; Emmet is far more talented, funny, kind, humble, attractive, Godly, and personable than I could've imagined.
I had lost my voice to a cold about a week before, so even though I was all better, my voice still cracks a bit at higher frequencies, so I couldn't really scream but I shouted and clapped. He went right into the song, "This is the Moment", and I can't even begin to describe how utterly angelic his voice sounds in person. Like I said before, the DVDs and recordings don't do his voice justice.
After the first song, it only got better. The songs were amazing and the audience adores him. One thing Celtic Thunder never lets the guys do is talk in between their songs very much (and on the DVDs not at all), but I wish they would. Because I never knew Emmet had so many funny stories about his time with CT, or stories of fans being hilarious with him, or that he has a passion for musical theater, or that he so loves his faith he even did an encore to close the show with my favorite hymn, "How Great Thou Art". The more he talked the more I realized we have in common, and it actually pained me that I so badly wish I could just have coffee with him for a couple hours, because I know there's so much I want to talk with him about.
Emmet loves connecting with his audience, from making eye contact and smiling at individuals to taking song requests and hosting singalongs. I even have a video with proof that during "When Irish Eyes Are Smiling", during the second chorus whilst he sings "Sure they'll steal your heart away", he looked right at me, raised his brows, and broke into a huge smile that made my whole being shiver with happiness.
After the show, Seamus announced that they'd be by the door saying hello to everyone on the way out, so guess who booked it towards the door as fast as her 3 1/2 inch heeled boots would let her ;). We waited in line for only about a minute (I made really good time okay), and I kept expecting myself to be really nervous as I got closer and closer to someone I've only imagined I would ever meet. It had settle that this was reality, but I wasn't starstruck, it was more like I was eager and about to go meet a very good old friend I hadn't seen in a long time. Suddenly, I found myself at the front of the line, and Seamus asked my name as I handed him my CD which he handed to Emmet. "Christie". "Spelled with a C or a K?". "It's a C". Emmet signed it quickly, then looked up to make eye contact with me. Good gracious. His eyes looked straight into mine. "Hi, thanks for coming!" He said. "Hi, it's Christie". "Ohhhhh! Christie (including my last name)!! Hi!" His face lit up into a huge grin (he recognized me from a few comments we'd had back and forth on his Facebook recently). I felt myself blush and smile from ear to ear, flattered and happy someone as busy as himself remembered me. I handed him the gift bag I was holding (I had made him a dude bracelet that has a celtic knot button on it and a cabby hat I bought at Target). "Aw thank you, you're so kind!" He said. There goes my cheeks again.
We took a group picture with my mom, sister and brother, I asked Emmet if I could take one more with just he and I. He happily obliged, even though the line was getting impatient. After forgetting and remembering my phone password (nerves kicked in), I got a very quick selfie and then turned around and hugged him. I'll never forget how tightly he embraced me.
We said goodbye and I walked out the door. I remember turning back as I walked away, looking back through the weathered red door's large windows and seeing him one more time. As I walked down the softly lit, snow-covered downtown street, my head spinning and heart racing, I pulled up the newest picture on my phone. Emmet and I smiled from the inside of my phone screen. I closed my eyes and smiled happily, tilting my head up at the sky and thanking God silently in my heart and mind.
I felt, and still feel, so blessed.
(The next day he posted this. Yup. That be Emmet, wearing the hat on Valentines Day:)
Until next time,
x Chris