1. How much you wanna smack the person who doesn't have their lines memorized by tech week
2. That one costume you hate
3. A healthy fear of your director is good, right?
4. Music directors are some of the coolest, funniest people you'll ever meet
5. The length of rehearsals. They weren't supposed to last this long, right?
6. Tech week. What's that yellow thing in the sky? Oh yeah. That's the sun. I never see it anymore.
7. So much makeup. So, SO much makeup. On guys and gals, everyone is bound to give each other weird looks.
8. An entire cast trying to learn the music. At least YOU know what you're doing!
9. Nearly missing your cue. Never in your adult life have you been so scared.
10. Once you're in costume, who knows when or how you'll pee again
11. Dance shoes
12. Cool props
13. Drama drama. You know what I'm talking about.
14. Theater romances, onstage acting
vs. offstage for real
15. Thinking how perfect you are for a part--and then not even getting a callback. Directors, what do they know?!
16. The pressure of learning your own lines
17. Crazy set builds
18. Learning seemingly impossible dances
19. And lastly, the joy of stepping onstage the first and last shows, and every one in between.
I hope you enjoyed this post!
x Chris